Thursday 6 January 2011

Contents page (MixMag)


this is the contents page for Kerrang! this contents page has one main centre dominant image. which is a man drinking a can of beer, in a night club. this gives off the clubbing scenes which reflects the genre for this magazine. i like the way the designed had layed out this page. With all the content of the magazine down the left hand side, with a short powerful headings. the main thing i like about this magazine contents page is the way it has been layed out. its simply yet very effective at the same time,


the mast head on the contents page is relevant to the font cover. in the way that the font used is the same font used for the strap line.

Colour scheme:

like the Kerrang! contents page colour is its downfall. the colours used are dull, the back ground is white and the font colour is black which is plain and simply yet effective. when i make my contents page i want to add more colours into it.


the font used on this contents page is like the font used on the Kerrang! contents page its a very simply font which you find everywhere. the headings for each page however are done in a bold font which gives the important effect.


The size of everything on this page is a key factor. The images and font. The images are large and fill up most of the page. this shows that these images are important.

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