Sunday 19 December 2010

Contents page (Kerrang!)

This is a contents for Kerrang!, this contents page contains more images than other contents pages that i have researched. each image on this page has a number, and this number leads off to a certain page or article. the centre dominant image is a large image of a DJ, I like the way the way the designer has designed this page with smaller images based around the large centre dominant image. I would like to take this idea of images to describe my pages. Also there is a small description about the magazine in the top left hand corner. this would be a great feature to add into my magazine.

The mast head on the contents page is completely different to the one on the front cover. It's a lot smaller and is on the opposite side to the front cover. I like this effect as it gives the effect that this magazine has no rules and doesn't follow a specific guidelines.

Colour scheme:
Colour i think is the downfall to this contents page. It's dull, there isn't a lot of colour introduced into this page and as my magazine is all about bright neon colours i don't think this contents page would work for me.

the font used on this contents page is a normal everyday font. however this font has a catch, and thats that every letter has a wider gap between the other letters. is looks like the letters have been stretched.

size is a key factor in this contents page. the size of the font, the size of the pictures the size of everything. the sizes used on this contents page i think is perfect. Images are the key thing, they tell the story and save loads of endless writing. all the other components seem to fit around these images, which implies that the magazine is set to a lazy audience.

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