Monday 28 February 2011

original Photgraphy

Final Mast Head Design

This is my final Mast Head design i think it looks really good and looks a lot better than i intended. I used a purple, mauve colour which really fits in with the black fusion colour. I also added my strap line in underneath the word fusion. 'fueling London's underground clubbing scene' this is my strap line and it fits in with the masthead. I also decided to put a white line through the font which gave an even better effect.

Final Masthead Design

This is my original mast head design in a nice bold font with no extras added to it the only thing i have done is change the colour of the word club to a purple, maroon colour.

Ideas for front cover - mast head NO2

These are three different font I really liked. I did like the title M&R but when I thought club fusion I thought this is what my magazine shall be called. in all three fonts but the two words together but still used capitals so that each word is still different. I really like this type of font as it is a very strict, bold font.

This is the second font I chose this font is a more smaller width than the one above. It is more squashed up rather than stretched.

This is another font I did like this font yet I thought it was far to simple. I didn't like as in my magazine I want to go for to extraordinary look.

Ideas for front cover - mast head NO1

after looking at many magazines and doing a lot of research i thought i would keep the title of my magazine to initials. i got this idea from the magazine FHM as they use initials. the font i used was a black and white cracked font with paint splash marks. this gave it a very effective look.

i used the initials effect to come up with this final example i was to call the magazine 'Music Revolution' so the initials MR are short i wrote music revolution underneath and stated that the magazine will be about dubstep by having a strap line on the right hand side which fits with the title.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Pre-Lim Task (Contents Page)

This is the Contents page for my Pre-lim task. This is a contents page for the magazine 'His & Hers' a magazine about the life of a sixth former. From my research i have put this contents page layout together. i especially liked the Kerrang style contents page and based my contents page around that. As my contents page is about sixth formers, I thought for my headlines i should ask sixth formers what they would like to know. Then base my headlines round my research. By doing this task has really improved my Photoshop skills, and i hope to improve my skills even more and make a fantastic final product for my music magazine.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Men's Lifestyle Magazine (Contents page)

This an analysis of the most basic contents page i've come across through all my research. This is a contents page for FHM a men's life style magazine. i can immediately tell this magazine is aimed at a male audience from the image of a women in her under-where, this would attract a male audience.

The mast head FHM is in a red/orange colour with the word 'Contents' below it. the word contents is laid out so that it almost hides behind the head of the model.

this Contents page almost looks like a front cover of a magazine. This is because of the centre dominate image it has of the model.

The font used for this contents page is simple and is in a small proportion to the image. the headings are in a bolder font with a very brief summery of each page in a normal font. The use of the speech box to title the features of the magazine, i thought was very effective. it is almost as if the magazine is talking to the audience.

Women's Lifestyle Magazine (Contents page)

This is an analysis for a women's lifestyle magazine. the layout for this 'marie claire' is very simple, buy being simple it makes the contents page very clear to the reader. This contents page doesn't use a lot of colour. However the colours it does use are used very effectively. The colour red is used a lot, this is an ideal colour for a women's lifestyle magazine as the colour red reflects love.

The Heading for this contents page such as 'ON THE COVER' and 'FASHION FEATURES' are in a larger red font and are all in capitals. this stands out to audience/viewer of the magazine and will draw them to the subject.

There is a large image of a women leaning against a wooden post, which feels over 1/2 of the page. From looking at the contents page i was drawn towards this image straight away. as you can see she is wearing very fashionable clothing and this is linked with the women's magazine.

The masthead of the magazine 'marie claire,' is on the contents page as well as on the front cover. i like how the word CONTENTS' is directly below the 'marie claire,' i also like how the word 'marie clare' is indented.