Wednesday 2 February 2011

Women's Lifestyle Magazine (Contents page)

This is an analysis for a women's lifestyle magazine. the layout for this 'marie claire' is very simple, buy being simple it makes the contents page very clear to the reader. This contents page doesn't use a lot of colour. However the colours it does use are used very effectively. The colour red is used a lot, this is an ideal colour for a women's lifestyle magazine as the colour red reflects love.

The Heading for this contents page such as 'ON THE COVER' and 'FASHION FEATURES' are in a larger red font and are all in capitals. this stands out to audience/viewer of the magazine and will draw them to the subject.

There is a large image of a women leaning against a wooden post, which feels over 1/2 of the page. From looking at the contents page i was drawn towards this image straight away. as you can see she is wearing very fashionable clothing and this is linked with the women's magazine.

The masthead of the magazine 'marie claire,' is on the contents page as well as on the front cover. i like how the word CONTENTS' is directly below the 'marie claire,' i also like how the word 'marie clare' is indented.


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