Wednesday 2 February 2011

Men's Lifestyle Magazine (Contents page)

This an analysis of the most basic contents page i've come across through all my research. This is a contents page for FHM a men's life style magazine. i can immediately tell this magazine is aimed at a male audience from the image of a women in her under-where, this would attract a male audience.

The mast head FHM is in a red/orange colour with the word 'Contents' below it. the word contents is laid out so that it almost hides behind the head of the model.

this Contents page almost looks like a front cover of a magazine. This is because of the centre dominate image it has of the model.

The font used for this contents page is simple and is in a small proportion to the image. the headings are in a bolder font with a very brief summery of each page in a normal font. The use of the speech box to title the features of the magazine, i thought was very effective. it is almost as if the magazine is talking to the audience.

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