Monday 13 December 2010

A day in the life of?

The typical reader for my music magazine is a male in his late teens to mid twenties. (17-24)

I am a male student in my second year of sixth form. As iI am in full time education, I am in study for at least 5 days a week. But for the weekend it's a different story. I live for the rush you get on the friday and saturday nights out. the clubbing around my area is top notch. This allows me to put all the bad things this week behind me, and party out the weekend like it was the last weekend of my life. I buy the MixMag magazine every month. I really enjoy this magazine as it normally has a list of the best clubs in the country and I aim to go to one of these every weekend. I have a part time job working at the local supermarket. I work 12 hours a week and fit them around my study hours.

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