Sunday 12 December 2010

Masthead analysis

kerrang! masthead

Kerrang!'s masthead has been used to great effect and reflects on his audience. Kerrang! is a rock magazine and the masthead shows this by the shagginess of the letters and how each letter has little chips in them. This reflects and shows that rock music is really loud and is breaking the letters. There are also white lines going through the masthead, all of these lines come out of certain points. I think this looks almost like beams of lights coming out of the letters, just like stage lights on a rock concert.
these white lines are something i would like to considering in my masthead. my magazine is a clubbing magazine and these lines could also be beams of light flashing around on to the dance floor. to improve this masthead for my design i would have the white lines different colours. just like different coloured lighting bouncing off the walls in clubs i would have different coloured lines bouncing of the masthead

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